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Friday, November 17, 2017

I'm Fine

Saying I'm fine is like saying I only want the best for others. We want it to be the truth, but we know better than to believe ourselves, making it further and further from the truth.
                                                                                                                         - a voice that isn't fine
Has anyone ever said I'm fine and it was true? It's hard to mean it, we aren't ever fine, are we?
People say it's a girl thing. They say it's because girls are irrational and emotional. It's because it's a human thing actually. You know how sometimes you hear about how guys won't share feelings. I hate hearing girls are emotional. Guys are just as emotional, they're just embarrassed, so they say that their fine.
This is where we draw similarities as human beings. Girls say I'm fine when they are screaming "help" on the inside because we're embarrassed. I'm tired of being told that girls are irrational and emotional, we say we're fine because we don't want to feel weak either. Don't you see it's an agonizing cycle? You tell girls that their feelings aren't real and that their being irrational, so they don't recognize their feelings and agony as real. You let them believe it and that's why we all say we're fine.
But isn't it irrational to assume that we're fine. How can we be human and fine at the same time? Being human means that there is always a reason to cry. From the moment we were born, we were born into a world so gray, and then told it was black and white. We have grown up in a world of gray, without color. We live in a world where the sky is dominated by darkness, only stars, little specks of nothing, give any light and warmth. So we revolve around these specks of nothing, because we are too afraid of being left in the darkness.
Can we be fine? Maybe, if we can find the light switch. Most of us spend our whole lives just sitting by the light, waiting to die so we can leave the world of darkness. The few remainder, spend their life in vein looking for the switch, trying to turn on the light, trying to rush the escape of darkness. Life plays a cruel trick on them. Life makes them think they found the switch, then makes them flip it, only to find that they just put out one of the sources of light. So they don't join the rest by the light. They just sit there in their darkness, broken and depressed. Their will to leave a world of darkness is now crushed, they don't even try to find the light. Instead, they take water and some matches, and drops them in. They now want to live in the darkness, see in the darkness, and burn in the light.
Sometimes they get up. They squint real hard and find a source of light. They join us in revolving around a little speck of warmth and light in the cold darkness. However, they forever wonder if it would have been better to sit and be cold and blind in the darkness. What does being near the light help them see any way? There's nothing to see but darkness after all.
I pity them. They are so consumed by the void and feel suffocated by it. They think being near the light is helping them see the nothingness, they believe this so much that they don't even see what the light illuminates. They didn't even stop and ask: where'd these lights come from anyway?
These lights are a gift. They aren't to help you see how dark it is. You aren't sitting alone next to the light. Our entire planet gravitates to a star. We call it the sun because we don't know it by another name. It is a source light and warmth. So what does this little light of ours illuminate if not the darkness beyond it? I pity the fool who doesn't see it.
The light, if you would open your eyes, illuminates the faces of the others sitting around it. You aren't sitting alone in that world of darkness. How is that we honestly forget the warmth and light that sits around us?
We don't see this. It's so obvious, but we can't see it. We are blind. If we are blind we are not fine, we need healing. We don't believe we're fine, as we shouldn't. The more we grow accustomed to the blindness, the less we realize our eyes are just closed. We say we want it to be true, that we want to be saying we're fine and mean it, but if that's so, why are pushing that reality away?

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